Dr | magali | gary-bobo | IBMM | France | Women Researcher Award |
Dr | Mezna | Altowyan | Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University | Saudi Arabia | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Prasanth | G | M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology | India | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Xunjin | Zhu | Hong Kong Baptist University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Hewang | Lee | George Washington University | United States | Outstanding Scientist Award |
Prof | SHIJUN | LIAO | South China University of Technology | China | Outstanding Scientist Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Ming Chu | Cheng | National Pingtung University of Science & Technology | Taiwan | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Eric | Andriantiana | Rhodes University | South Africa | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Ngoc Don | TA | Hanoi University of Sciene and Techlonogy | Vietnam | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Maziyar | Sabet | Petroleum and Chemical Engineering | Brunei Darrussalam | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Artem | Matyskin | Pennsylvania State University | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Waqar | Khalid | ILMA University, Karachi, Pakistan | Pakistan | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | ASHISH | GUPTA | BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY | India | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Vladimir | Kurćubić | Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac | Serbia | Sustainable Chemistry Pioneer Award |
Dr | Brian | Shambare | University of the Free State | South Africa | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Oleksandr | Kovrov | Dnipro University of Technology | Ukraine | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Vladimir | Filinov | Joint institute for High Temperatures Russian academy sciences | Russia | Innovation Award |
Dr | Shehab | Elbeltagi | New Valley University, Faculty of Science, | Egypt | Physical Chemistry Innovation Award |
Prof | Guillaume | HERLEM | university of Besançon | France | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Jihong | COLE-DAI | South Dakota State University | United States | Best Researcher Award |