Prof Dr. Jihong COLE-DAI, Atmospheric Chemistry, Best Researcher Award Prof Dr. Jihong COLE-DAI, South Dakota State University, United States Professional Profile Scopus Google Scholar Summary🌟 Dr. Jihong Cole-Dai is a
Mrs. Ana de Dios Cubillas, Geochemistry, Young Scientist Award Mrs. Ana de Dios Cubillas, Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, Spain Professional Profile Scopus Orcid Summary of Professional Activity🌟 Ana de
Ms. Rita Mwendia Njeru, Materials Science, Women Researcher Award Ms. Rita Mwendia Njeru, University of Szeged, Hungary Professional Profile Scopus Orcid Summary🌟 Organized and dependable professional with a strong ability
Dr. Ajay Singh, Chemical Reactions, Best Researcher Award Doctorate at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad,  India Professional Profile Google Scholar Scopus Orcid 🎓 Education Ph.D. in Chemistry, D.D.U. Gorakhpur
Mr. John Chol Deng Gak, Advanced Solid State Chemistry, Best Researcher Award Mr. John Chol Deng Gak, Egypt Japan University of Science and technology, Egypt Professional Profile Scopus Summary🧬 John
Mr. Yassine CHERIF, Materials Science, Excellence in Research Award Mr. Yassine CHERIF, University of Artois, France Professional Profile Scopus Orcid 🎓 Education: Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, specializing in Civil Engineering,
Ms. Omnia Salem, Nanochemistry, Best Researcher Award Ms. Omnia Salem, Beni-Suef University, Egypt Professional Profile Scopus Summary 🌟 A highly motivated and passionate chemist with a BSc degree in Chemistry
Ms. Neelma Ashraf, Natural Products Chemistry, Young Scientist Award Ms. Neelma Ashraf, University of Freiburg, Germany Professional Profile Scopus Orcid 🌟 Summary Neelma Ashraf is a dedicated Postdoctoral Researcher at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Dr .Ajay Singh, Green Chemistry, Future Chemistry Visionary Award Doctorate at CSIR-IICT, India Professional Profile Scopus Orcid  Google Scholar Summary 📜 Dr. Ajay K. Singh is a distinguished researcher with
Assoc Prof Dr .Saci Nadjai, Surface Chemistry, Best Researcher Award Assoc Prof Dr. Saci Nadjai, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef, Algeria Professional Profile Scopus Orcid Google Scholar Summary 🌟 Saci

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