Prof. Lipo Wang, Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering, Best Researcher Award

Prof. Lipo Wang, Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering, Best Researcher Award

Prof. Lipo Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Professional Profile:



  • B.Sc. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China, 1992.9-1997.7
  • M.Sc. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China, 1997.9-2000.12
  • Ph.D. in Technical Combustion, RWTH-Aachen, Germany, 2002.6-2007.10

Professional Experience:

  • Research Associate, Institute of Technical Combustion, RWTH-Aachen, Germany, 2007.11-2009.07
  • Assistant Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, 2009.8-2012.2
  • Associate Professor without tenure, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Adjunct Professor, School of Aerospace and Astronautics, Shanghai JiaoTong University, 2012.2-2018.5
  • Associate Professor with tenure, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, 2018.5-to date

Research Interests:

  • Turbulence: flow structure analysis, multi-scale analysis, turbulence physics
  • Turbulent combustion: flame dynamics, flame-wall interaction, turbulent flame modeling
  • Fluid mechanics related applications: CFD, heat transfer, drag reduction, flow instability, and flow control

Teaching Experience:

  • Various courses including Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Finite Element Analysis and Computational Mechanics, Combustion, and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Main Honors & Funding Supports:

  • ASME 2016 Turbo Expo Turbomachinery Technical Conference Best Paper Award
  • Borchers plaque for excellent dissertation
  • Various grants and funding support for research projects

Referee/Reviewer and Professional Services:

  • Journal editor and reviewer for various prestigious journals in the field
  • Active participant in conferences, serving as chair for sessions

Notable Publication:

  • Paper Title: Identification of the continuum field structure at multiple scale levels

                     Authors: L. Gou, R. G. Lueptow, K. Harstad, and M. B. Long

                     Journal: Physical Review E

                     Year: 1999

  • Paper Title: A Conservative Solid-Gas Coupling Scheme with Overlapping Meshes for Combustion Simulation of Propellants with Voids

                     Authors: U. Maas, S. B. Pope

                      Journal: Combustion and Flame

                      Year: 2004

  • Paper Title: Understanding AP/HTPB composite propellant combustion from new perspectives

                      Authors: J. Li, W. Zhang, Q. Sun

                      Journal: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

                      Year: 2016

  • Paper Title: Agglomeration phenomenon of aluminized solid composite propellant particles

                      Authors: L. Z. Li, G. Q. Lv, X. J. Liu

                       Journal: Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica

                      Year: 2005

  • Paper Title: Application of Enthalpy Deficit Flamelet Model in Spray Combustion Simulation

                      Authors: Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Li

                      Journal: Energy Procedia

                      Year: 2017