Dr. Upendra Sainju, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at USDA-ARS, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, United States




🌾 Education Background

Dr. Upendra M. Sainju’s academic journey began with a B.S. in Agriculture from the University of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India (1973). He continued his studies with an M.S. in Soil Science from the University of Florida, Gainesville (1982), and completed his Ph.D. in Soil Science at the University of Kentucky, Lexington (1989).

🌍 Professional Experience

Dr. Sainju has dedicated over 20 years to the USDA Agricultural Research Service at the Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, Montana, holding the position of Research Soil Scientist from GS-12 to GS-15, from 2004 to the present. His previous roles include Research Associate at Fort Valley State University, Postdoctoral Associate at Washington State University and Rutgers University, and Assistant Soil Scientist in Kathmandu, Nepal. His extensive career reflects a global impact in soil science and agricultural research.

🔬 Research Accomplishments

Dr. Sainju is renowned for his groundbreaking research on soil and crop management practices that enhance crop yields, sequester carbon and nitrogen, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. His work includes the study of tillage, cropping systems, cover crops, and more. His research has been published in 183 referred journal articles, 18 book chapters, 24 proceedings, and other scientific communications. He has contributed significantly to the understanding of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop productivity.

🌟 Honors and Awards

Dr. Sainju’s contributions to soil science have been recognized with numerous awards, including the USDA Certificate of Merit (2011-2016), SSSA Fellow (2014), and ASA Fellow (2015). He was also honored with the Outstanding Scientist Award at Fort Valley State University (2004) and received a Certificate of Recognition for his keynote presentation at the 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture in Cape Town (2016). His dedication has earned him multiple grants totaling over $10 million.

🏆 Professional Service and Community Involvement

Dr. Sainju is an active member of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), serving as a community leader, committee member, and reviewer for several prestigious journals. He has been involved in organizing and chairing sessions at various conferences, furthering the field of soil science through his professional service.

🌱 Current Research and Future Directions

Currently, Dr. Sainju is focused on developing innovative soil and crop management practices to enhance carbon sequestration and nitrogen cycling, reduce nitrogen fertilization rates, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. His work aims to sustain crop yields and quality in the semiarid regions of the northern Great Plains, contributing to sustainable agriculture in challenging environments.


Carbon footprint and carbon balance of three long-term dryland cropping sequences

Authors: Sainju, U.M., Allen, B.L.

Journal: Soil Science Society of America Journal

Year: 2024

Pea growth, yield, and quality affected by nitrogen fertilization to previous crop in small grain–pea rotations

Authors: Sainju, U.M., Pradhan, G.P.

Journal: Agronomy Journal

Year: 2024

Dryland Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Response to Cropping Systems and Nitrogen Fertilization

Author: Sainju, U.M.

Journal: Environments – MDPI

Year: 2024

Integrated Use of Manure and Urea Fertilizer Economically Improve Wheat Production and Nitrogen Indices in a Range of Tillage Practices

Authors: Muhammad, I., Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., Zhou, X.B., Shen, W.

Journal: Journal of Plant Growth Regulation

Year: 2024

Cover cropping promotes soil carbon sequestration by enhancing microaggregate-protected and mineral-associated carbon

Authors: Zhu, S., Sainju, U.M., Zhang, S., Zhao, F., Wang, J.

Journal: Science of the Total Environment

Year: 2024

Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of a Sandy Loam under No-Till and Intensive Tillage in a Corn–Soybean Rotation

Authors: Jabro, J.D., Stevens, W.B., Iversen, W.M., Sainju, U.M., Allen, B.L.

Journal: Soil Systems

Year: 2023

Dr. Upendra Sainju, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Best Researcher Award

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