Dr. Z’hen’yan Xia – Physical Chemistry- Best Researcher Award
Tianjin University – China
Author Profile
🏆 Academic Achievements
Dr. Xia has served as the Principal Investigator (PI) for multiple projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, reflecting his leadership in cutting-edge research. His work has been published in prestigious scientific journals, including Physics of Fluids, Computational Materials Science, and Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, showcasing his contributions to the field.
🌀 Areas of Expertise
Dr. Z’hen’yan Xia specializes in Fluid Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics, Physical Analytical Chemistry, and Advanced Materials. His work combines both theoretical research and engineering applications, pushing the boundaries of fluid flow control and molecular interactions at macro and nanoscale levels.
🔬 Research Interests
Dr. Xia’s research focuses on two primary areas. The first is turbulent flow control and fluid instability, where he conducts theoretical research and engineering applications aimed at improving fluid flow efficiency in various engineering systems. His second area of focus is the molecular dynamics of fluid-micronano structures, where he explores the fundamental interactions between fluids and micronano surfaces, optimizing fluid behavior at microscopic levels.
🚀 Research Innovations
Reducing the contact time between liquid droplets and solid surfaces is a crucial challenge in many engineering applications. While extensive studies have been conducted on droplet impact mechanisms, there is still a lack of systematic research on nanodroplet behavior on superhydrophobic surfaces with square ridges. Dr. Xia’s research addresses this gap by investigating nanodroplet interactions on both superhydrophobic planes and structured surfaces. His findings reveal that when nanodroplets impact a superhydrophobic plane, the droplet contraction time determines the total contact time. However, when nanodroplets impact superhydrophobic surfaces with square ridges, the critical factor influencing contact time is the detachment time as the droplet lifts off. Additionally, his research highlights that nanodroplets exhibit stronger adhesion to solid surfaces compared to larger droplets and are also more resistant to deformation and splitting, a characteristic not commonly observed in macroscopic droplets. Dr. Xia introduces the critical rebound Weber number (We) to evaluate how square ridges enhance droplet rebound performance. His study demonstrates that a moderate increase in ridge height helps in reducing contact time, while narrower ridges are more effective in minimizing contact duration and facilitating droplet splitting.
Notable Publications📄
📄An analysis of the contact time of nanodroplets impacting superhydrophobic surfaces with square ridges
- Authors: HuaiYing Shi, XuanQiang Hou, HaiJue Xu, YuChuan Bai, ZhenYan Xia
Journal: Computational Materials Science
Year: 2024
📄Experimental investigation of the impact of viscous droplets on superamphiphobic surfaces
- Authors: Yaolin Tai, Haijue Xu, Yuchuan Bai, Linan Li, Shibin Wang, Zhenyan Xia
Journal: Physics of Fluids
Year: 2022
📄Research on the contact time of a bouncing microdroplet with lattice Boltzmann method
- Authors: Yaolin Tai, Yang Zhao, Xinyu Guo, Linan Li, Shibin Wang, Zhenyan Xia
Journal: Physics of Fluids
Year: 2021